We Can Do Hard Things

Mastery is giving of your self with excellence. Iyanla 

Last week I went on my customary annual hike in my birthday. I decided on this day, as part of the Journey to Courage, to go into the river that we hiked to. I have been on countless hikes, I love being around the sea, rivers and waterfalls. Can you believe that I never go into the water? Confessions on the Journey - I have a fear of losing control in the water. So I sit on the shore, I walk in the water, I marvel at the falls from a far- never venturing in due to fear. I decided that this day will be different, I am getting into that water. I must journey to courage.

I sat on the rock for twenty minutes searching my mind for justifications why going into the water was a bad idea. I told myself, the water feels good sitting on the rock, the pool was too deep, I can always return and on and on. Isn't it funny how we can justify and rationalize anything? I decided to change my self talk

"I can do this! I can do hard things!" even for 5 minutes. I made those words into a chant. After 30 minutes I decided to get in. I was sooooo scared, I panicked and got back out. As I got out I felt a level of disappointment for letting myself down and letting the fear overtake me. I sat with that feeling for a moment and revisited the self talk.

I finally got in, breathing and talking to myself. The level of pride I had in myself was bursting my heart open. 

We can do hard things, we can do them for  little while. When we do the hard things for a little while we send a message to ourselves and the Universe that we are ready to do even more greater and grander tasks.

We can regulate how we speak to ourselves, the subconscious mind will not argue with you, it will take you at face value, so why not have a positive conversation rather than a fear filled one?

When we decide and act, the Universe meets us halfway.
