Creating Space
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” —Viktor Frankl
My default to many a situation, a question, an uncomfortable moment, a problem is to immediately, let me mention it again, immediately, find a solution. I want to fix it. I want to fix it NOW.
This "fix it now and find a solution" behavior even extends to my social media interactions, email and texts. Texts and messages come in and I want to answer them right away, even sometimes while driving- which we all know is not just dangerous, it makes no good sense!
Having thought about it, my habitual responses have come from being rewarded for being responsive, being one to find solutions quickly. I started pegging my worth and value on how quickly I could solve, fix, respond because the accolades and praises kept coming in.
Confessions on the Journey - there have been times when the fix, the solution, the answer comes from a place of fear and reaction. It may come from a place of ego, wanting to be right, wanting to be seen and heard. When it comes from those spaces, there is usually more to fix!
I have learnt now to pause! There is power in the pause. Power to respond from a place of love ( the opposite of fear), a place of intention, a place of calm. So how do I work this, I see a message come in that sends me into fix it mode, into upset, into fear, I take a pause, a breath. That simple second stops me from reacting. from being in upset, from making a mess.
When I pause I have the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. I also have the opportunity to release fear, judgement and ego. Breaking habits take time, I am focused and willing to see another perspective.
Take a pause, take a breath before you move.
Tell me how that works for you.
According to Brene Brown " taking a pause is awkward, but its life giving"
Akosua's Books