Open Heart = Right Decision

"I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision." Maya Angelou

The difference between moving towards a challenge and not has always been for me making a firm decision. The moment I make a firm decision, it seems as if my mind, body and soul all come together to make it happen. I find the time, I find the courage, I find the discipline and commitment to persevere through the challenge and through the challenging times.

The moment I remain in uncertainty and unwillingness, there is no way that I move forward with clarity.

I have learnt to wait, to not force myself, if I am not willing to make a firm decision there is no way that the goal will be achieved. There is no alignment when our thought, words and deeds are different.

When we say we want to do or want something, we believe that it is possible despite the challenges and then we take action to make it happen.

The Universe works well when we are in alignment - when thought, word and deed are all in alignment, we are able to move forward with clarity.

If you find yourself wavering, unwilling, not knowing - take a pause.

Ask yourself, what is your why and move towards willingness to have and keep an open mind.

Have you ever spoken to someone who has done what you consider to be something challenging and they simply say "I was ready" or "I decided"

This is where it starts. A firm decision, a willingness. Watch how everything falls into place when we are willing and in alignment followed by a firm decision.


Akosua's Books