The problem is that we have externalized that truth

The problem is that we have externalized that truth Michael Singer

Let me share one of the biggest lessons I have learnt over the past few years - Looking for external validation and proof for your Divine Guidance is not only a waste of time, it is a lack of trust.

We humans want to "know" that we are on the right track, that we are doing well, that people like what we are doing, that people like us, even when the Most High, The Universe, The Divine, God, Intuition - call the higher power by any name that you feel comfortable - has given you the idea, the push, the guidance, the idea, the spark.

We look outside of ourselves for something. Newsflash - you will not find it, then you will keep searching. There may be some people that will agree with you and what you are doing or want to do. There may be others that don't agree. There may be challenges and tough times and there may be happy times. This is all part of the journey. Seeking for something outside of yourself to complete you and it will fail!

Yes, we love recognition, we love to feel appreciated. If we view the recognition and pats on the back as the icing on the cake, trust me you will focus on living your life in a space of Divine guidance. You will believe in what you are doing and will not have to search outside of yourself for anything to validate you.

If we make it our focus to seek externally for things to validate us, the search will continue in vain. Look inside yourself and be absolutely honest about what it is you want and must do. Look inside yourself for the courage and guidance, then act. Yes, you will make mistakes, yes you may have some challenges and doubts- all par for the course! Keep on, keeping on.
