Trust starts with Trusting Yourself
Today is a new day, treat it as such. Valencia
7 years ago,on March 14th "What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey To Unconditional Self Love" came into the world.
Writing a book was never in my life plans. Writing a book about my own life was not even a fleeting thought. I felt a combination of freedom and responsibility when the book was published. I felt free of many of the secrets and stories that I had kept inside of me, I felt free of the obligation to be a certain way, I felt free of shame, guilt and denial. During that time I looked at life through a different lens. Back then, there was only one way to live, be a good girl, be a good wife, be a good student, be a good worker and all will run smooth.
Newsflash - that is just not how life goes. Opportunities, challenges and detours are not only a part of life, it is growing fuel for the journey. The tools you acquire on the Journey will support these times.
I felt a responsibility to myself and to others to share what I learnt because someone shared with me, someone supported me, someone loved me through it all.
I am now and still extremely grateful for the lessons, life has changed, I have changed, the lessons and the Journey continues.
These are my Top 7 Lessons...
1. not everything has to turn out exactly the way you planned in order for you to call it a success.
2. let me tell you, even if its only you in your world clapping for yourself because you did the damm thing,you stood up for yourself. You executed the thing that you were scared to even say out loud. You felt all your feelings.
stay the course matter how uncomfortable or tough the process got, I could not outrun the lesson. Love yourself through it. starts with trusting yourself.
5. some disappointments were divine. Some closed doors were a blessing. Sometimes, if we’re honest, we wanted things that were not good for us. cannot become courageous or empowered through books, IG, courses, talking alone you must live it, believe it. do it.
7. it takes determination to fool proof the distractions.
Start wherever you are!