Journey to Intuition
Hello Lovely
March is here!
I trust that you journeyed well to welcome March complete with all its adventures and lessons.
March we Journey to Intuition.
That place of inner knowing that we all possess. This place is powerful, so powerful that we ,many times, run from it, ignore it, hide it, pretend it is something else and make excuses not to factor it into our decision making process.
News flash - if you are:
1. too busy
2. too proud
3. in denial
4. living in ignorance
5. paying attention to everything outside of you
6. giving away your power to dogma, others, old habits
7. making excuses
its going to be extremely difficult to receive, listen to and have the courage to tap into your divine guidance.
What will happen? Life will keep showing you that. Life loves us that much. The prompts, messages, and guidance you receive will scare you, frighten you, excite you however it will never leave you feeling at war with yourself. There will be a peace that passes all understanding when you get still and have the courage to listen and act from that space.
So as we Journey this month, look at what your Life is saying to you, minus the judgement, the shame, the "right" or "wrong" way. Just be an observer, take it all in and then ask for Divine guidance and the courage to trust yourself- many times, the divine guidance makes no logical sense!