Be Still and Know

Get still (as still as you are able) and ask to have it revealed...believe that it can be revealed and some part of you knows. Don't be attached to what you think it will look like or how it will feel. You are having an intellectual conversation with yourself about an emotional/belief level blockage. The ego/intellect will actually keep you distracted from dropping in. Don't "think" about it...sit and wait for the answer. Be patient and allow it to come forward. Laura Rawlings

1. Be still and know the power of connection.

2. Be still and know that your light makes a difference.

3. Be still and know that you are seen and loved - there is nothing to prove.

4. Be still and know the power of your truth.

5. Let stillness come over you when noise fills your mind.

6. Stillness is not paralysis.

7. Stillness is the active pursuit of a mindful response to the inhumane and the unjust.

8. Stillness is fire and ice.

9. Stillness is peace at the edge.

10. Stillness is gratitude in the face of a challenge.
