Being vs Doing
the only way to get to my financial and other life goals was to allow myself to be imperfect. I started letting go of over doing and started focusing on being. I started showing all of myself, not just the perfect parts of me. I allowed people to see me - I became visible and with that visibility I learned self compassion and started shedding the shame. The more I shed the shame, the more my life and finances shifted. Vangile Makwaka
Wanting to get it "right"
Wanting to "fix it"
Wanting to show your best side
Wanting to make others proud
Wanting to be seen as useful and productive
These are all noble wants, the challenge with these wants is the intention behind them. Are we doing all of this to show others how useful and brilliant we are? when we lose ourselves in the mix of doing we get trapped in that cycle of doing.
Doing to prove our worth, doing to prove who we are keeps us doing and doing and wondering why we are so exhausted, why we are stuck and why things remain the same. We will hardly ever be satisfied.
I have been caught in the cycle over the last few weeks, wanting to prove to others that I am worthy, wanting to fix everything around me. In that doing, I neglected being.
I have been feeling anxious, sad, and out of control. Why? Because I am not fixing, and I believe that in that proving it is not being appreciated.
On my morning walk, I remembered the lesson "there is nothing to prove, there is nothing to fix, just BE"
Being is a state of mind, it is being present where you are with a knowing that you will be okay.
Doing is external - other people get to see what you are "doing", more than likely you produce something tangible and impact others by your actions. People see you as valuable because you are adding to a task, a project, to yourself.
The two has to co-exist and be in balance.
I am done with doing without being. The western culture today puts a lot of emphasis on “Doing”. It’s important to keep busy, to be on our way to somewhere and to have a clear agenda on things. We get rewarded for it, people tell us that we are valuable, that we are worth something, that we are not lazy.
Being can be seen as passive as there is hardly anything to show that is tangible, its all an inside job.
Rather than wanting to impact the flow of things and the outcome, just be. Use your faith, your divine guidance to navigate through situations, rather than wanting to prove and fix. Being makes us aware of the most important things we have in our life — our life.
Today, I have decided to be
to be kind
to be love
to be fun
to be health
to be....