When you trust yourself, you can surrender more

When you trust yourself, you can surrender more. You can relax and feel the ease you've been craving. Kate Courageous

Hello Hello Hello

November is upon us, we Journey together to Surrender.

To some Surrender may conjure up an image of giving up, trust me lovelies we define surrender is a whole other way.

Surrender in this case is the ability to let go of a situation knowing that you can and will handle it. After you have done the "work", after you have prayed, meditated, journaled, had counselling, therapy and pull out of the tools from the tool box, what do you do?

You let it go. Yes, that is exactly what I said, you let it go, you give it to the Higher Power in faith, trust, courage, patience and love.

Now, this may sound simple, but simple is sometimes not easy.

Humans love to be in control, they love to know what is happening now and next and more than that, we want to look like we have our lives together so what do we do? take actions to control the situation and many times that leads to manipulation, stress, lies, secrets and pain.

When you have done all the work, have patience, have faith, be still and know that you have done your part and its time for the Higher Power to do its part.

When we have made a choice, there are consequences.

Every situation, every condition and every circumstance present in your life today is the consequence of a choice you made or did not make; a thought you held and the words your have or have not spoken. A consequence is what unfolds in relationship to how you do or do not honor your intentions and commitments. It is the result, outcome, effect, ramification and the aftermath of everything you think, feel, say and do. In many cases, you may also face a consequence for what you choose not to do. Your life today is a function of what you did or did not do yesterday.

For November, look at the choices you make, learn from and observe the consequences, do the work and surrender....

Happy Journeys