Action and Attention does not defeat impermanence

Love does indeed have healing qualities, but love is also a verb. It demands action. It demands attention. It demands participation. But action, attention, and participation does not defeat impermanence. Stacey Hererra

One of the most important lessons I have learnt on the journey is "everything in life is impermanent"  The awareness and acceptance of life's impermanence will bring you a level of peace. We will all not be here at some point in time, we are here for a time and purpose. This is sobering for many and for many reasons. 

We hold on to things whether they are for our highest good or not, it is comforting to know! We measure our lives, relationships by years, by time. There is merit in that, however when we forget that everything is life is fleeting we tend to get caught up in holding on for dear life.

This lesson taught me to remain in the moment, to do my best in the moment because that moment will never happen again. How do we show up in that moment, how do we learn in the moment and move on. When we fall into the trap of wanting to hold on it manifests itself in so many ways. We hold on to jobs, relationships, situations that time has passed. We hold on to beliefs, rituals, history that no longer serves us. We hold on to memories that traumatize us, rather than learning from it, judging and punishing ourselves.

As Stacey Hererra says, what ever action we take will not make a memory, a relationship, a job, a situation last forever. So why not practice being in the moment, learning from it, enjoying it until it passes?
