Calming My Mind Takes Consistency
Work out to calm the mind. Meditate to reset the mind. Write to structure the mind. Create to get peace of mind. Orange Book
Everything starts in the mind and thoughts become things.
When our thoughts, words and actions align there is magic. The magic begins with thinking it. So the question "what are we thinking?" is extremely relevant. If our mind is racing, if it is in control of us, our lives will reflect this. If we are thinking one thing, saying another and acting totally out of sync, it confuses the Universe and confuses You! Keep it consistent.
This is what I have learnt,
1. Meditation helps, it is a process where we can allow the thoughts to pass like waves to the shore. The challenge is when we latch on to a thought, we give it life and as the law works, it shows up in our life as a thing. Practice meditation.
2. Replace destructive thoughts when they come up using affirmations. I started off with cancel cancel, then I moved on to different affirmations to interrupt the obsessive thoughts.
3. Listen to music- create a playlist of music that motivates you, and sing it to the top of your lungs - throw in a little dance too!
4. Write down the thoughts in a journal - get it out of your head. No judgement, No ego.
5. Love yourself through it all.