A New Cycle Called A Year
"you deserve to bloom unapologetically this year" Dead Poet
Hello my friends, blessings and more blessings for 2022, this new cycle called a year. I have been travelling over the past ten days, taking the time to refresh and renew. I love this season, the days are shorter, the evenings are longer, depending on where I go, the pace of life slows down. I take the opportunity to count the blessings and the lessons which unfolded during the year and prepare for the upcoming cycle. I decide on how I want to live, how I want to feel, how I want to show up. These feelings inform how I act, how I be!
New beginnings are a time to reset, to dream, to commit to yourself. They really provide an opportunity to see how we are contributing to this wondrous universe, using the unique gifts to which we have been given. When we forget, neglect, dishonour and ignore the gifts and divine guidance, life reflects this back to us, we continue to struggle and wonder why.
Then we start making justifications for our choices. Life continues to reflect back to us through our health, our aches and pains.
Life is really a wonderful mirror, becoming self aware with no judgement provides us with all the answers.
My friends, I want to thank you for the support, the eyes, the comments during 2021, it has been a year of transformation, change, uncertainty and lessons for all of us, showing us, yet again, that we are all connected by the air that we breathe.
Cheers to 2022.