Making YOU a Priority
As unimportant as "you time" can sometimes seem, it truly is crucial to your well-being because it ensures that you are never left without the energy to give of yourself. Daily OM
Many of us feel guilty to take time off our busy schedules for ourselves. Mothers in particular, find it sometimes even harder as they have little people depending on them.
In our capitalist society, there are companies that look favorably on employees who take no days off when they are unwell, or holidays - they are seen as stellar employees, taking one for the team and all round great employees.
Why does a work matter seem more urgent, more important than taking time for ourselves?
Why does taking care of everyone's needs seem more urgent than taking care of our own?
Some say "well it's urgent isn't it? My needs are not urgent". What if they are? What if taking time for yourself makes all the difference in your health, your creativity, your wellness? What if?
Within each of us, there is a well of energy that must be regularly replenished.
Take some time to reflect on why, what reasons you use to justify not taking time for yourself and making "YOU" a priority.