Check Yourself
Complaining is how adults cry for help- Iyanla Vanzant
I am getting ready for a challenge this upcoming week. It's called - "The Check Yourself Challenge"
Check yourself when you are complaining as a way to change the situation.
Check yourself when your language and thoughts are self defeating, self debasing.
Check yourself when you are not taking responsibility for your part in any action.
Check yourself when you are not being present.
Check yourself when you are blaming.
Check yourself!
So often we don't check ourselves, we look outside of ourselves for a scapegoat, a reason, a validation, a justification for our actions without checking ourselves first.
When we check ourselves, we are able to take our power back, activate our power and make better choices.
So, this week I am checking myself:
Check yourself when you are not speaking up.
Check yourself when you are shrinking to fit in.
Check yourself when you are settling.
Check yourself when are not being authentic.
Check yourself.
Checking yourself requires radical honesty and courage.