What Type of Stories do you make up?
it gets much easier when you stop telling yourself how hard it is - Tehuti 6
One of my favorite teachers, Ms. Iyanla Vanzant says "it does not have to be hard" Her view is, we make some of our lessons harder for ourselves . We do this by making up stories which torture us, including worse case scenarios mostly based on fear.
My uncle required blood for an emergency operation, it turned out that I would be the only one in the family who is able to provide the blood. The mere thought of giving blood - in a pandemic- sent me to story land. I made up stories about could go wrong, why I am not able to do it and all sorts of elaborate fear based tales. In the end, I decided to just wake up early and drive myself to the hospital minus any stories. The nurses were fabulous, they were kind, efficient, caring and answered all my questions. Within 45 minutes I was out of there and my uncle was able to get the blood that he urgently needed to do the operation.
Why did I make it so hard for myself?
I defaulted to fear and held on to it.
The lesson now is to let the fear pass through, get curious and let it go. If I want to make up stories, make up positive ones.
What if it all went well?
What if it went better than expected?
What if having no guarantees was okay?
Trust me, those stories felt much better.
Do you make up stories?