What Do You Do In the Pause?

That moment of pause, without judgement, is a game changer. Lee Ann Rimes

There is a moment between when we think the thought and action the thought that came to us.

There is a moment between when we think and when we speak.

There is a moment when we get still before we take off.

This is what I call "The Pause"

The Pause has all types of messages, knowledge and guidance. The Pause allows a breath to be taken.

How many times have I done something and then think - why on earth did I do that? The pause allows us to eliminate that question from our vocabulary.

For me, it is usually when I am not mindful or paying attention that I react before pausing.

It can also be when I am in people pleasing mode, in fear mode, in judgement mode.

Take a breath - the breath is a pause. The breath leads you to your inner guidance. your inner guidance then leads you to an action or inaction which is for your learning or your growth or both.

Breathe before you move.. this is the pause.

Ask yourself with a pause. What’s good for me?

Sometimes our process needs to pause -  rushing around all the time can be exhausting, when we are exhausted we may miss things, make hasty decisions.
Sometimes we need to put ourselves on pause.

Take a break. Pause collect your bearings. there is enough time. Stillness is never wasted.
