Ten Things My Grandmother Taught Me
Good Grandmothers live forever
For the first 13 years of my life I lived with my grandmother. To me she was a mystery. She would be cool one day, I go to stay up late to watch a show called Prisoners with her- the show depicted life in a women's prison in Australia, after the show which was during the week, she would say come and sleep with me in my bed, because trust me, the show would freak me to hell out.
Then there were times, she would be mad and tell everyone off and disappear and return as if nothing happened. She forgives easily, she gives giving second chances a new name- give hundreds of chances.
Other times she would be entertaining people at the house from all walks of life and teach me how to talk to adults, to eat with a knife and fork and drink juice "properly" aka not chewing up the ice left in the glass.
As I look back, I reflect on the top ten lessons I got from my grandmother:
1. It is okay to be considered "quiet and shy" - I was her sunshine, sunshine shines quietly, provides light and can heat up the place. "Just shine Yak"
2. Do it with class - whatever you do have some class Yaki, money cannot buy class, you can have little or no money but have some class.
3. Read Books - read everything that you can put your hands on, read about the things you don't understand, read about your history, read about other people's history. Keep reading.
4. Travel - see the world!
5. Think for yourself - do not ever follow blindly - investigate, probe, ask questions especially anything about religion, question what is told to you to blindly believe.
6. Be ok with others underestimating you - just don't underestimate yourself.
7. There are some times you have to fight, don't be afraid to get down and dirty.
8. Rituals and Stories from the Elders are an important part of the process of growth and development.
9. Have fun.
10. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you are not perfect, don't hide it, be fake and not take accountability.
I can safely say that she was my first hero.