Choose Another Story to Tell Yourself
The only thing disturbing you is your own mind. Krishna Dharma
Today, I read the quote above by Krishna Dharma and it resonated so much with where I am at the moment. I have the tendency to make up stories. When I don't know everything that is going on, don't have the courage to ask, when I am in fear and want to justify something my default is to make up a story. The story is usually one with drama and almost always worse case scenario's or putting someone else square in their place.
What stories do we tell ourselves without knowing the truth?
What stories do we tell ourselves when we are in fear?
What stories do we resort to when we want to justify and rationalize nonsense?
Brene Brown says the most powerful stories we may hear are the ones that we tell ourselves. What are we telling ourselves?
The story we tell ourselves usually leads to the decisions that we make. Sometimes we make important decisions based on false stories that we made up.
Be mindful of the stories that you tell yourself, tell yourself the truth in a way that you would tell someone you love. Own the story. Use the situation as a lesson rather than a punishment.
Stories can be fun, and you get to choose