The world can do things to you, but it cannot extract things from you that you do not choose to give.

 if the Mind thinks that a particular pain is “unwanted,” it will not abide it. It will violently or strenuously fight against it, and that’s precisely what creates the experience of struggle and suffering in one’s life. Neale Donald Walsh 

Over the past few months there has been a constant pain in my back and shoulder - I could not put my finger on the back pain. The shoulder one I deduced that it was a past injury rearing its head after boxing. The back one scared the beJesus out of me. I relented and went to the doctor. He asked me some questions and told me he believes that its a back strain. I ought to go home watch YouTube and do some stretches.

Confessions on the Journey - I was resisting this pain and resenting it so much. I was scared of it.

I could not wrap my head around why? why me? why is this pain happening? I exercise, I eat fairly well ( I love chocolates and cannot resist a hot bread out of the oven) 

It was not until I accepted that I have this pain, that I started being curious rather than fearful, that I looked at it from the point of view that there is a lesson in there. That rather than make the choice to ignore it to pay attention to my mind, my thinking, my approach.

The pain had a message for me once I was willing to listen

What discomfort exists in your life that wants your attention, that wants you to focus on something that you are ignoring?

According to Neale Walsh "You must be clear about your ideas of self and the reason that you are on the earth, or placing labels of perfection on calamitous events will simply anger the mind and shut it down, turning you away from the only thing that matters."

What is this experience telling me?

The challenge, if you are to find peace, is to embrace your identity as a spiritual being, and then to implement that choice consistently.

I have chosen to be curious, be accepting and pay attention.
