Open to Solutions

Our prayer is that you’re intuitively open to the solutions that are always present; that you gain an insight into the sustainable future and begin to create this future now, and do so with compassion for all sides in this equation . Guru Singh

Today and tomorrow are the scheduled days of Carnival in my country. For as long as I have known myself, this was a time of reunion of long lost friends and family coming in from abroad, a time of joy and happiness, a time where we would party, hang out, go to the beach, and as we say here "free up". Sleep would be a premium, the parties would go on for hours and hours culminating in a two day street party like no other

2021, has changed all of this, the powers that be decided that due to the global pandemic that there would be no Carnival as we once knew it. I believed that I would be okay with not having a carnival, now I know that this time provided a re-set for me, the stress relief was undeniable and required, the energy was always high.

Today I am sitting at a desk in an airconditioned office thinking - is this what I have chosen? Confessions on the Journey - some of the consequences of my choices really suck!

What did I Learn?

1. Our choices have consequences, however choices can change.

2. It is quite okay to mourn a change - especially when the situation was a huge part of your life that brought you joy.

3. Good ole' acceptance - accept the situation then decide. And of course, acceptance does not always mean liking it.

4. Find alternatives - find what you like and go for the joy, things change all the time.


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