Journey to Surrender

November, pour warmth into spaces within me that feel unworthy. fill the room vacated by what isn’t for me with something that deserves to stay. let everything that reaches its expiration date be a reminder of how love for myself should always remain priority. quench my spirit. Billy Chapata

November is the Journey to Surrender. What does surrender mean to you?

In the past, surrender meant giving up, and felt weak. As I journeyed spiritually, I have learnt that surrender is so far from giving up, it is the relinquishing of control, of fear, of matters that I have no business in. Surrender takes courage as it calls you to have faith, patience and fortitude.

Surrendering to the Most High, the Universe has proven to be a form of strength, a miracle of sorts. It says that I have done my part, I have followed the guidance and now I must get out of the way, trusting that all will be well. Rather than interfere, worry, stress and control, I can surrender to the process knowing that I have done all that I can, all that I have been guided to and all that is required, everything else is a complete waste of time.

I surrender all is a mantra that I will definitely be using during this month.

I surrender all fear

I surrender all judgement

I surrender all doubt

I surrender all control

I surrender all untruths

I surrender all stories
