Taking a Pause
Your Journey is Going to be Different than Others DJ Loaf
Confessions on the Journey. I have been missing deadlines and commitments on the Journey and the blog has been part of this. Truthfully, it has not been part of my make up to miss deadlines and commitments for many years. I kept commitments to myself to help and support building self trust and self value
What I have learnt is building self trust and self value supports in trusting others.
What I have also learnt is when I feel that I have let myself down, guilt and shame sets in, which can easily lead to a cycle of neglecting the commitments I have set for myself.
From this place I am learning to feel all of my feelings, and in doing that I may have to take a pause, take a rest returning from that space with a renewed mindset, ready to go again.
It can be tempting and sometimes easy to get caught up in the cycle of guilt, of not feeling your feelings, of slipping into victim consciousness and externalizing. What is important is taking a pause, feeling the feelings, forgiving yourself and remembering who you are.
Journeying to Surrender involves taking a pause!