A Different Meaning of Declutter

Also worth noting: “In case I need it,” is a racket. If you haven't used it in over a year… considering move it on. Other people probably need it now. Just give it away. Danielle La Porte

Is there anything present in your life that you believe that you absolutely need- cannot do without? 

What is in your house, your closet, your life you believe is a must keep? and more importantly is why?

Decluttering, I have learnt, has more benefits than just making space in your home, your closet, your basement. Decluttering has become more than a physical clearing out, it is a spiritual process of  making room for new in my life.

Decluttering is declaring to the Universe that I am ready for new. There is a readiness to move away from the comfort zone I created, an act of faith, the letting go of the familiar and control.

I looked at my closet to start the process. Confessions on the Journey - I felt overwhelmed. As with life, when we view a challenge, a change as a one shot, one time event rather than taking it in stages the feelings of overwhelm can come rushing through. How we view the change is paramount. 

I decided to declutter with a measure of anticipation, a tinge of excitement. Sharing what is in this closet will bless me and bless others, rather than attaching the memories to it believing that I must recreate them, that I may need it "one day".

Life I have learnt is about change, clearing out, making room for new. What happens is that we want to keep the "good" experiences and events and throw out the bad. And who can blame us? Who likes bad experiences? Who likes to feel discomfort? When we look at life as good and bad, it makes it extremely difficult for us to declutter and let go.

Making room for new takes time, courage, an open mind, faith and trust - starting with decluttering your home can set you up for the bigger things in life. 
