Starting Something New

“If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback. If you have constructive feedback you want to give me, I want it... But if you’re in the cheap seats, not putting yourself on the line, and just talking about how I can do it better, I’m in no way interested in your feedback.” Brene Browne

Starting something new can be challenging, doing something different to what you normally do can be challenging, doing something in a new way can be challenging. Living a different life can be challenging.

There will  be self doubts, there will be internal noise, there will be people giving advice and many times unwanted advice, there will be critics and keep backs. This is par for the course. The question is - how will you respond?

I have learnt that the best response comes from a space of knowing who you are

knowing what pisses you off

knowing how sure you are about yourself

knowing that there will be failures to learn from along the way

knowing what your boundaries are 

knowing what brings you joy

knowing that divine guidance will never lead you astray

To know this, you must be willing to be wrong, to listen, to be right, to be the only one, to say no and to piss people off. It is a process.

It takes time and an open mind!
