Which Comes First?

When we let go of our need to arrange and control how things will work out and are instead open to all possibilities, it makes room for new ways of achieving our goals that we might not have considered otherwise. The Universal Laws

What will it take to choose you first?

What will it take to be the number one on your list?

What will you do when it comes down to choosing you?

What do you feel when you put you first?

What is the commitment that you keep or not keep with yourself?

Why do you break commitments to self?

One of the best lessons I have internalized is the list of what comes first in a world of value:

God First. You. Spouse and Family. Friends. Work

We live the other way around, we put work first and then wonder why things are nor running smoothly.

God first, then YOU!

Without YOU, there will be nothing else.

It really is just that simple.


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