Building the Foundation of Self Value

If you knew, believed and was absolutely certain that when you showed up – anywhere- for anything, any activity, any event that you ARE everything and you HAVE everything, what would your actions look like? How would you show up?

The Self is who you are at the core of your being. The Self is who you are minus all of the external trappings.


The Self represents your Divinity, which you were born with, it’s inside of you and will always be there. You were born Divine, this is unshakeable


Some of us place our value on our ego and our personality, some of us place our value on what we have and what we don’t have. Some of us place our value on who others say we are.


The challenge in placing our value on the ego and the personality on what we have and what we don’t have is, when life’s challenges come, and trust me they will come, we start questioning our worth, we start bargaining with others for our worth, competing and questioning, seeking ways to remain valuable and worthy


Our value is simply in knowing that once we are here and alive that we are worthy and deserving


We are simply Divine and there is absolutely no need to bargain with anyone or anything for our worth.


There is nothing, NO-THING we require to be valuable, worthy, complete and enough.


Our actions will only diminish our value when we BELIEVE that, when we FORGET that we are always worthy and valuable.


Mistakes, missteps, poor choices are all part of the lessons of life it really is life’s way of guiding us. It DOES NOT affect our self -value


The lessons mis steps, mistakes are for us to grow and develop, rather than to question our worthiness.


When we don’t know or forget that we are valuable, and situations in our lives change or shift or become challenging we start bargaining, we start comparing and competing. We start taking actions that reflect our lack of belief in our value such as relinquishing boundaries, tolerating nonsense, making consistent poor choices and neglecting self-care.


A foundation is SOLID on it rests building blocks and structures. If our lives rests or is built on shaky foundation our actions and lives will reflect that. Any strong challenge or shift comes the foundation may be destroyed. We may need to rebuild


Think of rebuilding. Some things may need to go, we may need to get rid of habits, jobs, situations, beliefs that no longer serve us, people who do not respect our boundaries. It takes courage and willingness


So what are the pillars of the foundation of Self and Self Value?


Self-Love – loving and accepting who we are, all of you, letting go of any external attachment that you have placed on loving yourself. Self-love includes self-care which is more than manicures, pedicures and spa days, the internal must be focused on as well, stillness, setting boundaries, honouring commitments to self, standing up for yourself, knowing who you are


Self-Esteem – your own evaluation of your worth. How do you see yourself? Without others telling you. Life has a way of showing us how we feel about ourselves by sending people and situations as a mirror.


Self-Respect – how do you treat yourself? Internally and externally. How do you speak to yourself? How do you honour yourself? Yet again, life will show you.


All of these pillars lead to you building upon your divinity. it takes work, it takes commitment, it takes discipline to build a solid foundation. 
