Emotional Connections

Since emotional connections are based on feelings, if you cannot feel much of yourself, it will be difficult for you to establish a deep emotional connection with others. Focus more on how your body feels. The better your connection with your body, the more you can feel yourself. Inner Practioner

If you are a regular reader on this platform, you would have seen on a few occasions that I have started to feel my feelings instead of ignoring or dismissing them. I have started to use my feelings as a guide.

Acknowledging my feelings has brought me to a point of awareness where I can be present to deal with the issues at hand. Without awareness there is little chance to find solutions, there is an opportunity to pause before reacting.

Our feelings make us know that we are alive.

Our feelings make us aware of what needs to shift and change

Our feelings are valid and are not to be dismissed.

Our own feelings allow us to be compassionate to ourselves and to others

When that is missing we miss opportunities to connect in a real and deep way

We are all connected even if we don't believe so, the happenings over the world over the past few months have shown us that.

Ignore your feelings at your peril.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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