Who Are You Becoming?
So much of what we do is unconscious. Buddha Blunted
throw back to the time I spent in Kapchorwa Eastern Uganda near Mt Eligon close to the Kenyan border. Did not even have a camera only the ole faithful Blackberry at that time. Learnt so much about myself here. I give thanks daily for the time spent with some of the wisest women I have ever met.
I remember writing in my journal everyday
What did I learn today?
This particular day I wrote that
On the way to accomplishment you have to become something.
At our meeting on Saturday she asked me “so who are you becoming since being here?” What?
Breathe that in for a moment before you respond!
Accomplishment & getting things are great, but when you fulfil what’s inside of you, your potential that right there is the paradise!
Your worth is not in what you try to be or in what you pretend to be.
Your great value is in who you are. Madam, who are you becoming? By now I thought I better answer or face the consequence.
Well I never considered who I was becoming I am just here doing & learning & growing!
For what? For who? Madam?
When I finally answered....
I am becoming authentic, real, joyous, spiritual & courageous.
She stood up & shouted big big clap for Madam.