The Truth is Beneficial to You

The truth is utterly beneficial to you, but at first it can be quite shocking and disappointing to your other plans and goals. This you must risk if you wish to have the certainty and the empowerment that the truth will bring to you. The truth always brings resolution of conflict, always provides an experience of self, always gives you a sense of current reality and always provides direction for you to move forward. Steps to Knowledge

We cannot un-see what we have seen.

We cannot un-know what we have become to know.

What we can do is make a choice or decision on what to do with the knowledge.

What scared me about accepting the truth was the thought that I had to make a decision and a quick one as well. Many times after seeing, knowing and accepting truth, my life changed drastically. It got easier but, trust me in the early stage it was a bit of a torture.

When I denied the truth, I found all manner of reasons and justifications for staying in denial. And there were people who were willing to enable me in this state of denial. I also found that when I accepted the truth, many of these people who encouraged the lie or the denial fall out of my life. Some of them leave no matter how much I look to keep them as a part of my life.

I also learned that I do not have to make a decision immediately. Sometimes it is a process. The truth will wait on me. The truth will wait on us. It will not change, but it will be there waiting. Life is so good to us, we will be given signs and signals when it is time to move, shift, pivot or change. If we choose to ignore the signs that is on us. There are consequences for ignoring the signs.

The truth will not only set you free, it will make you stronger. It will build your courage muscles and take you to a place where you will rest easy that after the discomfort or pain that you will be AOK.

Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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