The Search is Over

Love Gives Without Limits, For it Cannot be Contained ACIM

One of my favourite lessons on love is learning that I AM Love.

Learning that I don't have to go looking for something that I already am, what I must do is remember who I am and look at the barriers that I have erected to give and receive love.

This leasson has put so much in perspective for me especially after a really difficult divorce.

I was in a mindset of ,I have to go out looking for love, then that switched to wait maybe I will never find love so let me just stop looking.

Now I know that - the search is over - You are it! You are the Love that you so seek.

When that clicked and I believed it, oh my word, how things changed.

How I showed up in the world, How I behaved, what I chose and declined.

I remembered that love can take many forms,  there are many ways that love can show up and there are many things masquerading as love that are not at all loving.

Love does not bargain

Love does not demand we hide ourselves

Love is freedom and Love is You

Getting to this place of belief:

 takes practice.

It takes courage

It takes believing

It takes showing up.

It takes willingness.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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