Energy Never Lies
I hope you know the difference between when what you’re feeling about someone is judgment or discernment? Maryham Hasnaa
The word discernment has been popping up in my life over the past few weeks. Confessions on the Journey, I have been asking myself ,am I using discernment or am I judging?
Discernment is the ability to listen to the guidance within, it is picking up of energy that is off minus the judgement. Discernment comes from a place of peace - there is no anxiety in the mind questioning what is to be done or not done, there is no guilt. Discernment is not concerned with any external approval and validation. We have to practice discernment, it comes with time, practice and most importantly surrender.
We humans, what we want, when we want it. When we are being guided to do something, or to make a decision that goes against what we want, we resist. We drown out the voice of discernment. This is where judgement starts shouting. Its difficult to drown out the noise of judgement. Judgement comes from fear. Fear of not getting the very thing we believe that we want. Judgement looks at the external and focuses outward on what others are doing, saying and how they are showing up. Personal responsibility is almost at zero. We blame, we play victim, we give up our power.
Getting still, acceptance and facing the truth helps with discernment. This is hard because it may go against what we feel we want and living in the world with others who have relinquished their gift of discernment, we get sidetracked by listening to them and caught up in the world.
Self doubt, over self consciousness and ego all drown out discernment, they latch on to judgement.
Trust me, when you become in tuned with your true self, and discernment is one of your guides, you will not even feel the need to explain your decisions to anyone. You just trust that you are divinely guided whether the decision makes logical sense or not.
Energy never lies. It only reveals. It is up to us to listen.
From now until January 7th
From Confusion to Clarity - A Workbook
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From Confusion to Clarity - A Free Workbook