What Are Your Forms of Resistance?

What You Resist Persists

What Are Your Forms of Resistance? 

Resistance, I define, as the action one takes to avoid doing the thing that you know that you must do due to fear. 

Fear can manifest in many forms

Fear of Failure

Fear of Success

Losing Something or Someone

Dealing with Difficult People and Situations.


Feeling Overwhelmed 

Resistance looks like

1. Procrastination

2. Self Sabotage

3. Starting Arguments

4. Denial 

5. Avoidance

7. Withdrawal

8. Being Late

9. Hiding through eating, not eating, shopping, numbing self

10. Making up stories

Resistance can take place when there is a change ahead, when there is a task that is new, when there is a lack of control

Change is a challenge, its new, it takes the willingness to be uncomfortable and make mistakes, to fall down, Failure, mistakes and falling down is not usually rewarded by society and so we avoid it

Resistance can be asking us what really matters to you, do you really trust yourself? When the resistance comes up, get curious about it, rather than run from it.

Ask yourself, what is the fear here?

What and why am I resisting?

Get still for the answers and dig into the depths of your courage to move. You can do it.
