Every Step Forward is Progress
Just because you are committed to moving forward doesn’t mean you have to move at any certain speed. Think about how slowly mountains are made. Think about how islands build up from the sea floor until they finally break the surface. Progress is progress. Keep moving. Maggie Smith
How many of us want to do certain activities by a certain date?
I know for me, I was a girl who wanted certain things by a certain age, I was so focused on that I based my success on that formula.
So if by a certain date and age it did not happen, I lived in complete belief that I was doing something wrong or something had to be fixed.
And that was my modus operandi, after I picked myself up from the "failure" I would set up a programme to succeed and fix it.
What I have learnt is that life in not linear, there is never a straight line to any where in this life. I have also learnt that my timing is not the clock by which this world runs, there is Divine timing and that is always on time and in time.
I have learnt that every single step forward is progress and Divine timing is real.
This works well when I let go of control- control is like a drug. Its addictive. Wanting to control the outcome, is an indication that we are doing life right, leave nothing to chance they say.
The Universe is not punishing us by taking its time, there are lessons that only time can teach us, there are tools that we can only receive by learning what patience is. Every single moment is important and so are the lessons.
Read about Akosua's Journey on A Tribe of Women Blog
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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