It's Part of The Process

Sit in your shit. Quit trying to get out of it so quickly. It’s teaching you. It’s part of the process. Maxi McCoy

Pain - any type, physical, mental - I tend to run from it, let me tell you! even if I am doing any type of exercise and it affects my breath, I am ready to stop. I want to remain comfortable.

I've heard the sayings no pain, no gain

I have heard pain pushes until vision pulls

and I now get it

Sometimes, to get to the other side we must push through the pain, sit in it for the moment, talk to it, for the revelation on the other side.

When we run from the discomfort, ignore it, dismiss it, the lesson may be missed, the joy on the other side is never reached and we keep repeating 

I have learnt to speak to the pain, speak to it with grace, I have learnt to

 share the story and feeling with a trusted person and  to always remember that this too shall pass.


Read about Akosua's Journey on A Tribe of Women Blog

Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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