You May Never Be Able to Right a Wrong in Your World

A very wise teacher once said to me, “Who would you have to make wrong in order to get things right?” As long as you need to continue to make your sources “right,” you may never be able to “right a wrong” in your world. Neale Donald Walsh

This quote resonated with me today as I received news from a colleague out in Bahamas.

During this month, Hurricane Dorian battered a number of islands including Bahamas. I have the great fortune of being in Bahamas in July. I loved it. I met some wonderful people, I had fun, I fell in love with the place

Today I was told that one of the families that I met did not survive the hurricane. It was a sobering conversation reminding me that we get to choose how we live and when that time comes, it comes ready and uncompromising.

Who would we make wrong for a hurricane happening?

Who would we make wrong for natural disasters?

Isn't it just part of the cycle of life?

And something that we have no control to?

Just our response to it?

This had be pondering this morning

How do we respond to the things that we cannot control

How do we accept and not look for the right and wrong and the blame?

May the families affected by Dorian RIP

May Bahamas rise strong


Come Join us in Guyana

Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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