Get Curious instead of Defensive

Compromising is power. Saying sorry. Changing ways. Getting curious instead of defensive. Have an mindful reaction instead of being reactionary. Thinking before we speak. Going out of our way. Trying to approach things differently. Not leading the way. Or maybe leading the way. Adjustments away from our default can bring so much closeness in our most important relationships.  Maxi McCoy

What is your default response?

Do you even know what it is?

Do you recognise when you are giving away your power?

Over the past ten days I have been involved in  a whirlwind of a festival, with many moving parts. It called for patience, flexibility, stamina and an open mind.

There were times when  tempers were flared, and responses had to be mindful

I was able to see what my default responses are, when I am triggered and how I respond to that.

These are my top lessons:

1. Our response comes from our experiences and how we feel about ourselves - no one can make us feel inferior, or any other way. We feel how we feel and then others come and hold up a mirror.

2. Compromising does not mean being a door mat. Compromise allows you to renegotiate some of your boundaries and reclaim your power

3. Your way is not always the best way - be willing to listen

4. Follow your Intuition - all the time, even if it makes zero logical sense

5. Be a Leader - even if it means leading your own self!

6. Have fun on the journey, laugh, pay attention and find time to sleep


Come Join us in Guyana

Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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