What's in A Name?

f you whisper your own name and picture what it means, you will rediscover your personal medicine - Jamie Sams

I have an unusual name for where I live. I live outside of the African continent and my name originated from Africa. At school I was teased about it, teachers and students struggled to pronounce it and the spelling was butchered time and time again. Added to that my second name was long and changed twice.

When I was in school I got into a couple of fights because of the teasing, after a while I withdrew and started using a nickname to avoid the drama. As fate would have it I was teased about my nick name as well.

As I grew up, I started making up stories that if my name is unique, then I must also be unique. That changed the game for me. I started embracing the name with more confidence and love. It changed the way I started saying it out loud

I also learnt about letting things go. If I got upset or ran around to everyone who teased me, misspelt my name and made fun of me it would have left me depleted and exhausted. I learnt to let it go, that helped in keeping calm. Calm in now my super power

I found my medicine!


Check out the We Lead PowHerful Conference - I will be there


Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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