Simple Like That

The ego, a necessary construction, can also become a burden. In its unrelenting focus on power, achievement and sensual gratification, it breeds a culture, both inner and outer, of oppression, insecurity, addiction and loneliness. Enough is never enough. There is always someone richer, more accomplished and more successful than you are. Spiritual traditions across the world have offered counsel. The happiness that comes from accumulation is fleeting, they remind us. There is another kind of happiness, let’s call it joy, that comes from helping others. David Brooks

How do I know when I need to put my ego in check? How do I know when my ego is running amok? I start defending everything people ask me,  I disappear, I hide, I want to prove my point. I beat myself up and make excuses. 

The ego has to be put in check sometimes, because if not, it thrives on comparison, separation, conflict and guilt.

When I find myself going down that road I know that I'm tripping!

I have learnt to take a step back. Make no moves or decisions and return - We call it the " I shall return and I must come back" move.

Simple like that
