Do You Ever Question Your Beliefs

A useful thing to ask is 'when and how did I get this belief?' We tend to automatically defend our ideas without ever really questioning them. - The School of Thought

Keeping an open mind is one of the most challenging things to do in a world that promotes group think and judging others based on material possessions, religious beliefs and what's in fashion.

People have started huge disagreements over differing beliefs, some even escalating to legal battles between families and friends and bad blood which goes on for generations.

We all have beliefs and opinions, some different to others, I believe in live and let live, I may never agree with your view, and you with mine. That does not mean that I must feel the need to convert you to my own view and vice versa.

I pray that we can be open minded enough to listen long enough to learn something from another point of view even if the lesson is to continue to share a different opinion. I pray that we can allow another person to share their views without attacking them or defending ours to the point of disrespect.

I also would love us to have the ability to question some of the beliefs we hold when faced with a differing view.

No heat, No judgement

We have been groomed with beliefs from our homes, our schools, our church, our places of worship. Many times these beliefs cannot be questioned because it goes against the grain leading to punishment and being left out. So we accept them as part of the way things are. No questions asked, no thinking done.

When our intuition tells us that those said beliefs are no longer serving us, we fight to keep them, we become guilty and defensive with everyone and everything that is different, thus leading to more discontent in our lives.

It is not wrong or a betrayal to question core beliefs that no longer serve you

It is an essential part of your self care

Your life will keep showing you what works, pay attention, make a move
