Till The Soil
Honestly, without a lot of fluffy talk, it is time for you to know and to express the fullness and the richness of how wonderful, of how special, you are. NDW
We, all of us, are magnificent beings, we are born that way, believe it or not.
Our magnificence is always there, it never leaves us despite poor decisions and choices, or circumstances and setbacks. I liken it to seeds in the right soil. If the soil and the conditions are conducive the plant will grow. The fruits will bear.
There are some plants that seem to be withered, worn and ready to die, yet with some water and TLC they spring up and thrive
There are some with brown leaves that really ought to be green, stalks where buds are supposed to be - with a shower of rain a difference happens
The soil is important, the fertiliser is important
Our friends, family, health and choices are our soil and fertiliser. With the right combination our magnificence shines through.
I keep remembering that when I am veering off course, when I encounter others who have also forgotten their own magnificence!
Let us always remember
Till the soil! Root out the weeds! Spread the Love!