Happy Valentine's Day

Commit To Being Loving
• Set the intention to be loving each and every day.
• Set the intention to stop being distant every day.• Every morning close your eyes for sixty seconds and visualize yourself displaying loving behaviors and releasing avoidant behaviours.
 ⠀⠀Kyle Jones

Today is Valentine's Day, I wish you all the love and fun and excitement and peace!

It is always a pleasure for me to see all the happiness that these days drum up around me

People are smiling, they are speaking to you on the street, if it takes a day to have this happen, why not?

I can put up with the commercialism of it if it leads to a happy set of people, even if it is for one day.

So my friends, happy Valentine's Day and remember to love yourself.

Sharing a podcast on Self Love  - Akosua is Interviewed on the Self Care Sundays Podcast

