What Takes You to Your Space?
The Universe is living and in constant orbit, orchestrating miracles. We must be willing to soften and receive. Glow Maven
I had to catch the first ferry to Nevis. My plan was to run up the hill, watch the sun rise, come back down to walk on the beach and then get ready to head to town to catch the ferry. Needless to say, I woke up and it was really dark outside, I did not want to chance going on the hill alone in the dark, I waited around for some light, by the time the light came all was left to do was walk on the beach- which was magnificent even if cut short. I got to the ferry with 10 minutes to spare, bought the ticket and then could not find it, they told me I had to purchase another one! I sat there thinking, make a decision soon. I looked one more time , emptied my bags and there is was tucked away in a pocket.
I was the last one on the ferry.
As I got to Nevis, they picked me up, asked me where I was staying, when I told them, the look on their faces was priceless
I was afraid to ask
That place is.....and a list of reasons came out as to why I ought not to be staying there
I was getting annoyed - mainly because I felt totally out of control
We arrived at the guest house, yes it was really not up to par, I was even more annoyed as the bill was paid all up front with zero refunds
I quickly had to drop off my things and head to the workshops and meetings
I felt hot and bothered, I started getting a headache, something I hardly ever get
Then we started our drive to the sea moss plot and my mood shifted, the flowers on route, the blue waters, the waves crashing just brought me back to now, where it was a wonderful scene.
So yes, the place was bummy but I can choose to remember its 2 nights, make the most of it and learn the lessons
Nature just takes me back to the Now
What takes you to your Now Space?
Day 2 on Nevis Island - back to the nature!
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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