I DeClare

Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me. — Audre Lorde

It is rare that I make resolutions

Don’t want them to haunt me in the dead of night

Each day guilted by all the things I said I would or would not do

I only do what I want, when I want

With a full heart or not at all & the rest will have to settle somewhere between my lips & my intention
I don’t DeClare often
But there comes a day
When I am more than dependable woman
More than what I’ve accomplished or seek to & as that day approaches
Know this:
I declare to remember how to love
In the face of hurt in my heart
I will love you, that’s me
Foolishly, at times, but courageous
I vow to forgive
To ignite the soft of me & surrender to that knowledge that everything ain’t gonna grow like I grow
Aint gonna’ know what I know, how I know & that is ok
There is still love in letting go
I commit to love myself
To honour this girl with dreams she can’t stomach yet but works hard to
In the morning, I will pray to a God I hope to be more like & she will laugh Knowing I have forgotten already that she loves me unconditionally
Just a girl wanting more & more & more
But having everything I already need
I commit to laugh hardest when life is most challenging
I promise to share the lessons on the Journey with excitement
I promise to be excited
to honour the elders & listen to their stories, even those on full repeat.
To watch intently as the Bodacious Nina girls blossom
I promise to be there for them how they want me to be & none of this comes easy
None of it will be overnight
I might be scared & stubborn at first & when I am
I vow to lean into it
To let life make a masterpiece of me
To be a thank you note to the Universe
To say what needs to be said in the moment & trust that I am prepared
I vow to listen to the way God moves & be moved
I promise to let this fire rage
To drink more water & carry this body like a gift
I promise to breathe on purpose - every breath is blessed responsibility & to love without fear
I DeClare. I vow. I promise

(thank you Natalie is Poetry for inspiring these words)

Success ReImagined - Download Free Until 31 December

Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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