Lessons on Abundance
My fears can't go where I'm headed - Ebonee Davis
The most powerful lesson learnt whilst travelling through Africa this year has been about abundance. In my mind previously, abundance is reflected by the amount of money, wealth, material possessions and powerful position one has. Travelling around the Continent shifted this perspective to believing with all my heart, that abundance shows up in so many other ways and is always around us.
The sunrise, the plants, the soil, the community all provide what we need. Nature has it all and is the most abundant system that I have ever experienced, it can sustain us if we allow it. I believe that we have it all at our disposal yet we feel we are lacking.
We are always looking for something outside of nature, for more in a system rooted in exploitation, especially of nature. The system continues to bamboozle us into believing that we are lacking if we don't have certain material possessions.
Not enoughness will mash us up!
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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