More Lessons from St Kitts and Nevis
Your mind will always try to stop you with doubt, negative self talk, excuses, fear, negative future/ past images, etc You have to be aware of it and continue to choose better. Your mind is not your friend. You have to control it or else it will control you. Gal Shapira
The electricity at the hotel went off, it was about 4.30 am, I had big plans to take a run at about 5.30 am. I was not that adventurous. The sun came up and it was bright enough. I ventured outside to the top of a monster hill just to see the most beautiful sunrise at a point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Caribbean Sea. I was happy that I felt brave enough to show up. As I returned I decided to walk on the beach before heading back to the hotel to complete the emails and share the stories on social media.
As I returned to the hotel, no electricity!
That means no WiFi!
I literally panicked. What do you mean there is no WiFi?
I walked to the reception, the receptionist explained that there is an island wide problem with electricity since last night, there was no word or guarantee when it would return.
I was still panicking
She looked at me like an alien
Why would you be panicking for something that we have absolutely control over?
Truth Bomb!
I told her, ok I will go back to the room, relax and read.
Good Ms Edwards
I did just that.
Panicking will not bring back the electricity so might as well make productive
The electricity returned a few hours later and all is well
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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