Circumstances Do Not Make You

Your unhappiness ultimately arises not from the circumstances of your life but from the conditioning of your mind. Eckhart Tolle

Yesterday I had the opportunity to share lessons on the Journey at a school achievement day in Biche. Biche is in the middle of our island, some 2 hours drive away from where I live. It was my first time going to Biche. Yesterday we spoke about how all the dots connect, this was a perfect example of how they do. The teacher who asked me, I met as a young student who wanted some work experience, back in my previous accounting life. She was hired and we hit it off, she went off to University and I never saw her after that. 

Randomly at a show I bump into her and she told me that she had graduated from University and teaches at a Secondary School. A few months later she asks if I can come speak at her school finding me through Facebook, of course!! I took the opportunity to see a new place, to support her and to share lessons on the Journey.

The Achievement day was reflective of her - giving those who have  improved and those who show promise recognition and motivation to continue

Being from a rural area sometimes plays on young people's minds, there such a pull to the City, it is important to reinforce that there are positives where they are and they are not defined by where they come from.

Yesterday we spoke about defining and charting their own path rather than following the status quo

I give thanks for the opportunity to share the lessons on the Journey


Have you read any of Akosua's work?

What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love

Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?

Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

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