Why Do You Play Small
FB memories gets me every-time. This morning one popped up from six years ago, I wanted to share it with you as it really resonated with me.
What did I learn today? She asked me, “why do you play small?” my first reaction was that she was talking about my weight as the conversation was previously on the different type of African food that I have been “sampling”. I responded “ I play small because I I am” and I chuckled! Blank stare!! “Do you know that you have a responsibility to yourself, to your ancestors, to your spirit?” Ok now it was getting serious, now it was time for me to pay attention. “what do you mean?”
She said to me that it is your responsibility to excel, to glow, to do what you know you can do. It makes no sense holding it all back! What are you saving it for? Why do you give one single thought to what other people think? Those who are for you and what you stand for will remain, the rest are passing through on your journey, leave them, and continue along your path! Please, honor your responsibilities, your purpose and your ancestors. There is no way that you will go off course, off target without getting back on track. You said to me that all things are lessons didn’t you? Well there it is! It is time!
My only response was ok!
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