"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." Tom Peters
I am grateful for new opportunities. Iyanla Vanzant defines opportunities as grounds for action, a state of affairs that makes something else possible. It is the falling together of things and people and circumstances.
can relate to this definition of opportunities. Particularly the falling together of things people and circumstances which makes something else possible!
I think of flow, of not forcing a thing, of trusting the process.
After doing the first Unveiling - Looking in The Mirror of Self Retreat, the team wanted to do another one in the same format, it wasn't happening, and now we are doing another Unveiling - Looking in the Mirror of Self but in a totally different way that we had envision.
An opportunity arose and we took it, it brought together people and circumstances that created action to move us forward
What would opportunities be without gratitude
I give thanks for this opportunity and this team that made it happen.