Be Willing...
Willingness does not make your life easier. What it will do,however, is make it easier for you to move through every experience that you my confront in life. You may grow in mental agility, spititual fortitude and divine stamina - One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
I have been practising being willing. I have been doing the willingness thing! Yes y'all. I have been slaying the resistance!
It works a treat! Let me tell you. I learn, I scream, I laugh, I move on.
When the resistance comes up, I start the self talk - "Ok, you don't have to do anything right now boo, all you have to do at this moment is be willing." I repeat the mantra and watch how the resistance starts to fade and I am now more open to doing a new thing, to setting boundaries, to showing up, to stop people pleasing and acting in fear. Just from the position of being willing!
I have learnt that willingness, trust and courage go hand in hand. I cannot be willing without trusting that things will work out as they ought to. I cannot be willing without having the courage to do something new or different, I cannot be willing and be stuck in the old familiar routine
Be willing to be wring
Be willing to be right
Be willing to move
Be willing to stay
Be willing to speak
Be willing to be still
When you are willing, your entire world shifts
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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