NiNa Vacation Camp - Day 5

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” – Ann Landers


I have heard it before, you may have also heard it before as well - Love is the answer.

Total cliche - this was my perception when I heard people say it. Now I can tell you with absolute certaintly that I believe it, I believe that love is indeed the answer.

Love - wanting nothing from another person, wanting only the best for them, holding no ill will or malice


Spending the week with these young ladies whose stories vary from not knowing their parents, from knowing their parents but not living with them for a variety of reasons, from the "bad girls" and the list goes on and on to the break of dawn. Spending this week with them made me know for sure that in our actions  which show them that we want only the best for them and nothing in return has been the answer

The answer to the anxiety

The answer to the building of trust

The answer to the the uncertainty


When someone feels loved, they feel safe, they feel needed, they feel supported

and if all I can do is show some love then I have done something

I cannot solve their problems, nor can I make them go away but what I can do is let them know that there are some people they know who love them regardless of what has happened in the past

and that is an answer

